Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Predestination (Part 3)

If predestination is true, why are you wasting your life as a missionary? God's going to do it all, right?

The simplest explanation for why belief in predestination does not conflict with active evangelistic efforts is that the Bible teaches both. As Bible-believing Christians, we must be careful to believe and defend everything the Bible teaches, nothing less and nothing more. Even though it seems ‘logical’ that belief in predestination renders evangelism meaningless, that view goes beyond the Bible. We must be willing to live with mystery in our lives, realizing that we won’t be able to explain and completely understand how every clear teaching of the Bible fits together with every other clear teaching of the Bible.

Another way to look at things is to realize that God, the One who predestines, has every right to choose the way he works out the salvation of those whom He chooses. According to the Bible, the ONLY way God chooses to effect salvation in those who are chosen is by connecting that person with the Gospel truth (via evangelistic witness, Bible reading, etc.) in such a way that willing, joyful faith is birthed in the heart of that person. In other words, evangelism is THE key tool used by the Holy Spirit to work salvation in all who are chosen.


Anonymous said...

Good grief C! You're going to make me a Calvinist all over again. . . but this time I promise to be happy about it :-)

C.W. said...

If reading my posts helps you joyfully embrace certain things that the Bible teaches, wonderful!!!...I don't think I ever used the word 'Calvinist':)